In my years of photography, I've learned that post-processing is sometimes half the artistic voice of a photographer, so more of my learning curve in past years have been with understanding color and post-processing.

Sleeklens recently kindly offered me their "Strike a Pose" workflow in exchange for an honest review.  It has some general "all purpose" automated presets in addition to a "build your own" workflow steps.  (See below for example.)  In addition, there's brush presets that allow for you to localize changes.

It's perfect for one who's starting out and wanting to understand the workflow a portrait photographer goes through.  They're also super useful if you're in a real time crunch and want some favorite "go to" looks.  Their "All-in-One" offers some interesting ideas, although I only find a few of them useful for my personal "color voice."

Since I'm a perfectionist and experimenter, I will only use select presets as a spring board before fine-tuning, and the entire library holds interesting ideas for me to deconstruct.  For the brushes, I typically take that specific level of editing to Photoshop.  I believe in understanding tools and wielding them to your vision, rather than letting an automation dictate your voice.  However, they offer good ideas (especially to beginners) of how to build one's voice with their workflow.

Check out their preset library! and

Below is an example of their All-in-One "Crisp Dawn" preset, turning my black/white photo into this beautiful result.


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